Thursday, March 8, 2012

Day TEN...

Good morning! Today is a good day! The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and all is good. So today is day ten. That means weigh-ins!!! Try to remember to wear exactly what you wore before and use the same scale. With that being said, let's see the weight, menu, and workout:

Original Weight
Current Weight
Weight Lost

- Red Delicious Apple

- Hamburger Steak
- Roasted/Unsalted Pistachios

- Baked Chicken Breast
- Boiled Carrots

**Daily WOD**

I went to API Virginia Beach and did a workout with some friends out there.

As you can see my meals are starting to get smaller. This is because the size of my stomach is starting to shrink and this much food fills me up!!! Also Open WOD 12.3 came out last night!!!!

18 Min AMRAP
15 Box Jumps (24"/20")
12 Push Press (115/75)
9 Toes 2 Bar


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Day NINE...

Hello everyone! So I've been a big time slacker and I'm sorry:/ Instead of trying to re-cap I'm just going to pick up with today. Everyone should be getting in their paleo groove and should start to see some weight (or inches) start to come off. Listed below is what I ate today and the workout I did.

Scrambled eggs with ham

Paleo Krunch Bar (from

Two lean hamburger patties

**Daily WOD**
15 min AMRAP
3 Man Makers (25/20)
6 Turkish Get Ups (53/35)
9 Kettle-bell Swings
12 Jumping Squats

Keep Strong!!!!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Day FOUR...

Glorious morning unto you my dedicated followers! Haha. So how are you feeling this morning? Energetic? Ready to take over the world? Good, because you need that if you're doing the CrossFit Games 2012 Open WOD 12.2.

So last night it was released and I'm not too happy with it. The WOD is:

10 minute AMRAP of...
30 Snatches (75/45)
30 Snatches (135/75)
30 Snatches (165/100)
As many snatches as possible until the click runs out @ 210/120.

This one is a doosey. I think they did this WOD because last week was geared towards small lightweight people. This movement is for big strong guys and gals. Anyways enough about the open, let's jump in yesterday's menu and workout.

-Egg Quiche
-Red Delicious Apple

-Sautéed Chicken, Zucchini, & Yellow
Squash w/ a tomato paste sauce.

-Steamed Shrimp
-grilled asparagus (w/ sea salt &

-Rasberries (Handful)

**Daily WOD**

Rest Day!!!!!!!!

Hope everyone is doing great on their own personal road to fitness and remember if you have any questions feel free to comment!! Bye!