Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Day TWO...

Hello followers! So, yesterday was a tough day. As you know there is no sugar in a paleo diet and because of that, for the first week or so, you seem to have no energy. So yesterday I was falling asleep left and right. Anyways, other than that the day went great! Had some good food and did a good workout!

Below is yesterday's menu:

-Scrambled eggs quiche w/ zucchini,
yellow squash, and ham.

-Mixed greens salad w/ carrots,
cucumber, pistachios (Unsalted),
and sunflower seeds. (Ranch)

-Smoothie from Tropical Smoothie
with no sweetener. (Sunny Day)
-Roasted Pistachios (Unsalted)

*Ruby Tuesday*
-Top Sirloin Steak
-Spaghetti Squash
-Fresh Garden Bar Salad w/ mixed
greens, cucumbers, zucchini,
tomatoes, eggs, and sunflower
seeds. (Ranch)

***Daily WOD***

4 Rounds of...

3 Hanging Power Cleans @155lb
10 Ring Dips
5 Handstand Pushups

Get at it And have a terr-PALEO-iffic day!!!!!